Dec 19 2015
Why Reg Henry is a Big Fat Communist
So we're out of water; Cold Springs is a dried-up poodle, there have been wildfires, are there tame fires? According to Reg Henry, it’s the conservative capitalists that have caused all this dryness. This is nothing new. The Communist party invented ecology as a method to control and eliminate private enterprise way back in the 1920s. I’ve got a 1910 photo of the Brooks estate in Montecito before it was built on. Nothing but dirt, not one plant, not one tree, just a dry dirt hillside that today, is now covered with native oaks, exotic trees, shrubs, and roses, which get attacked by gophers too often. This was not caused by private enterprise, it was a dry spell.
And did you know, that for nature to create one inch of soil in our foothills takes five hundred major fires? To calculate- At one major fire every 30 years, and four feet of soil on our ancient, barren hillsides, that means 12”x 4’ x 500 fires= 18,000 major wildfires x 30-year fire interval = 720,000 years to make our backyard garden area. Now I’m not saying it hasn’t been hot or dry, but in the scheme of things, a few hot years, or wet years remembering 1998 produced 51” of rain in Montecito… doesn’t prove a short-term trend against the weight of time. These wet and dry years and not caused by capitalism, or communism but are variations in temperature. The communists wish to control all production (money and power), and so they have their private media drive the current climate hysteria.
As for this conclusive scientific consensus about Hot Springs warming. From Forbes, That Scientific Global Warming Consensus...Not!
by Larry Bell, a Professor of space architecture, Larry says
“...31,000 American scientists...from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph. D.s have signed a public petition…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, will cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.” Well, that settles that. Not everyone is on board the dried-up Hot Springs train.
Larry goes on to point out the canard that 98.7 of earth scientists agree to global warming as a fact. He shows this allegation was manufactured from a jaundiced two-minute email survey, that ultimately represented 75 scientists' opinions, as a consensus.
Not that scientific I’d say, but relied upon by grant-hungry government scientists as the definitive study. It’s a good factual article and if you believe that, don’t apply for any new grants.