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Liberal Religion Has Come Home To Roost News Press 2012

Liberal Religion Comes Home To Roost

So much of liberal thought has now become a religion. Global warming, abortion and immigrant rights are the new trinity and god help the patriot who crosses this line. It's blasphemy to question these liberal religious doctrines.

As an example, what happened to the old liberal mantra of shrinking your carbon footprint. This was to imply that us wasteful Americans use to much carbon. But the real reason has nothing to do with carbon and more to do with Liberal religious propaganda.

The new religious litany says; since carbon use causes global warming, and warming will kill the polar bears and destroy the planet, we must cut back. And America listened. We listened so well that many American women got the message we've been living too high on the hog, and it hasn't been fair to the worlds peoples, and they are mad at us, because they don't have it so good. And so white women simply stopped having babies, all in the name of the new religion of the left. Hail the global warming god....

Because of liberal propaganda to make America guilty of eco-sin, we have a dearth of children... but this will be good because now we can stop using so much carbon. But lo and behold what the libs have wrought. Instead of Americas population shrinking, it's governments, schools and prisons shrinking, the opposite happened. Things in America are more crowded than ever. Well surprise surprise.

Turns out the government made sure this fine act of religious piety, the giving up of procreation for the liberal carbon god, has been countered by government which turned around and flooded the country with indigenous Indians from Mexico. It also turns out that drug importing Mexico, extreme racist, drug pushing, cartel ruled, Spain centric Mexico sent their unwanted indigenous peoples to America, and most of them were pregnant. Mexico has government programs telling how to leave and how to play the USA for room and board. Naturally the liberal religion of immigration says we must foster and welcome all immigrants with no discernment and no questions.

So now Santa Barbara, and American jails, schools, housing and DMV's are filled to the gills with little indians from Mexico. Our carbon footprint is bigger than ever! While teachers, prison guards, police, courts and welfare workers are again fully employed keeping the single family indians in and out of the jail, court and welfare systems. Housing is again in short supply, taxes on the wealthy and middle class are going up again to ever more confiscatory levels. Whole neighborhoods are now indian nations with the state providing all services on the taxpayers bill. Government spends nearly $170 million per year on housing subsidies (5000 units), Jails, court services, education and welfare for our new friends.

Really it's a wonder government couldn't find any Americans that wanted to live in Santa Barbara. There must be a few Americans somewhere in the country that would appreciate a new place to live with full benefits. What about American Indians, shouldn't they have a place here in Santa Barbara?

Now you Liberals, do we have to believe your insane religious theories? Aren't your theories really just diabolical ways of growing government, overwhelming native classes and gathering new placid democrat voters into America? Or do you actually believe your own religious doctrines? The reason liberals tell Americans not to have children is to save the environment, or is it really so the government can import children from poor countries to create new dependents and new socio/political classes? Which one is it? We will know when social workers are in the streets handing out birth control sacraments to immigrants, yet somehow that never happens as it would be deemed genocide.

You see religion hasn't gone away, even for liberals. In fact American liberals are more consumed by their religion than sword wielding Shia fanatics on camels. In modern times, religion has become politics and liberals are Henry the 8th... insisting we swear allegiance to their insane religions, and then die off. This is the truth and the way... Next we'll be told unemployment is 5%.

Thomas M. Cole JD

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Dr. Thomas Cole
Montecito, CA 

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