May 27 2016
New Fish in an Old Lake
In partial response to Reg Henry's and so many other liberal pieces on alleged conservative fantasy, ill feelings, beliefs and mimes like the President is a Marxist from Kenya, warm weather doesn't indicate global warming, or that 360 million people in the USA is possibly enough.
Where to begin, what an idiot... Reg Henry with his servile smugness couched in quaint homilies seethes with home spun venom. And clearly the left follows this line of thought about conservatives and so I feel compelled to inform the left how conservatives really think and the word is to think.
In this pass I shall discuss immigration in terms that the liberal mind may follow. Consider the fish.
Say you're a fish who lives in a lake, and for many generations your families of fishes have resided in the lake. We might even say you're a native fish. Now another small group of bureaucrat fish in a nearby lake come along and announce they have decided there is a real need to import fish from another far away lake into your lake.
These far away fish are not like you and your fish. They were raised differently, have different fins and act differently than you and your family fish. But it has already been decided that for the good of a newly minted political slogan diversity, your lake will accept these fish without question or discussion.
Your group of native fishes get together and complain that these new fishes will cause problems for the lake and it's indigenous population, and that the new fish will use up all resources, create overcrowding and pollution in the lake. Your group of fishes even questions the need for any more fish in the lake when things are already crowded enough, in your view.
You argue that these new fish come from regions that have already destroyed their own lakes with eternal raging wars, virulent religious and sport fishing tournaments, unsettled and intractable national characters and they will simply bring these problems with them to your peaceful and settled lake regions.
The response from the bureaucrat fish is not positive. By prearranged signal, you and your conservative fish are accused of fishism and of being fishists and fish firsters. The fish newspapers are strangely silent on the issue of preserving native fish culture... but go completely wild attacking conservative fish for wishing to be left alone and keep their peaceful steady lake as it is.
It turns out that another group unbeknownst to all, harvests fish from the lakes and owns the newspapers and all lake media and government. This harvesting group is behind the push to flood the lake with new, faster breeding, better tasting, easier to catch and more docile fish.
The bureaucrat fish are on the payroll of this behind the scenes harvesting group, and the bureaucrats now double down the importation of foreign fish. They start giving the new fish free passes at the best feeding areas and extra good rock sites to live at. Soon the native fish are at a disadvantage and begin fighting with the newly imported foreign fish. The lake is in turmoil as all fish are now fighting for territory, food and survival. Through out the lake, the fish movies, twitter, video and news accounts are filled with degrading depictions of native fishes and their imagined and self serving plight. Native fish are shown in countless disparaging scenes as unfriendly, selfish, greedy and uncaring while the newly imported fish are depicted as noble, caring, hardworking and worthy of all the lakes resources.
Soon the lake is at a fever pitch of tumult, division and acrimony. Few are noticing the great nets extracting huge numbers of fish for harvest. The lake is now producing more for the harvesting class than ever before. The harvesters do not care if they eat native or imported fish, as long as they eat. It's now too late to prevent the destruction of the native lake culture because most fish, native and foreign, are just trying to survive.
So there you see, is a conservatives view of why we want to conserve our lake. Conservatives may be said to be conservative in views and wish to preserve and protect existing environs.
Liberals hopefully will recognize these themes of native rainbow trout verses foreign importation and invasive species. Conservatives would apply this to our daily life and country where liberals insist only fish get protections. These concepts are easy to understand if you're a fish happy in your own lake...
Thomas M. Cole JD aka Mr Fish…
