Democrat Hate Groups - The Politicians
What is a hate-group?
We define a hate group as an organization or collection of individuals that – based on its official statements or policies, the statements of its officials, or its activities – has beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics -
Vilifying or demonizing groups of people on the basis of their immutable characteristics, such as race or ethnicity, often inspires or is a precursor to violence. But violence itself is not required for being listed as a hate-group. A group's policies and ideology can inspire hate and violence even when the group itself does not engage in violent activity...As in a school board policy to discriminate against a race or religion, or government paid race training, or government mandates of race training, equity training...
The Politicians on our hate-group list support or directly fund and vote for policies and programs that vilify others because of their race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity – These prejudicial policies strike at the heart of our Republic. Their support acts to destroy civil society along the most despicable and vile categories, that of identity politics.